For Those Considering Giving Up


Before doing anything drastic, take a deep breath and ask yourself if you really want it. If you do, don’t give up on what you want because when you do accomplish it, you will be fulfilled and happy- even for a split second. In a world filled with pain and pessimists, I think it’s a smart idea to hold onto happiness wherever it’s found, don’t you? Now, wait a sec, I’m not referring to things like smoking and alcohol, if you are considering giving up a bad habit detrimental to your health, YOU GO, GIRL/GUY! And I wish you the absolute best with that.

I know what it is like to have no motivation to do anything anymore. I know what it is like to not feel like wasting all your energy on all the bullshit of life. I know what it is like to run away into your mind, not wanting to be found- my super power. People give up so fast because they look at how far they still have to go rather than how far they have come- remember that. Your mantra should be: I did not make it this far to give up now.

I want readers of my blog to see this as a safe haven. I want to be there for people because I know what it is like to have no one there for you sometimes.



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